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A Guide To Payday Loans

A payday loan is a cash advance on your paycheck for usually up to 50% of what you will earn. There are many lending agencies that offer this service and more are springing up online as well. Between the Internet and the telephone system, you can have money directly deposited into your account in no time at all without stepping foot in a loan office!

Whether you have good credit history, bad credit history, or no credit history at all, there is a very good chance that you may qualify for a payday loan. Part of the reason is because pay day loan companies are like brokers who find lending agencies for their customers.

Occasionally, but not always, the customer will be asked to fax some information to the lending agency in order to allow them to make a decision on whether or not they will lend money to you and how much they will be willing to lend. However, there are lending agencies out there who do not require you to fax any information in order for them to process a loan, since they can verify some of your information online very quickly.

For this service, lending agencies will charge a fee or may charge a higher interest rate than other types of loans. Typically, you will be expected to repay the loan plus the fee or interest on your next pay date. If however, you cannot pay at that time, you may be able to get an extension.

Payday Loans are a great way to get a little money upfront if you cannot wait until payday comes. Perhaps you have an emergency or a great opportunity that you would otherwise not be able to enjoy if you waited until you got paid.

You need to be careful, though. Payday loans can be good, but they can be a dangerous habit to get into if you find yourself strapped for cash in the days leading up to every paycheck. Perhaps then you would be better off analyzing your budget and determining whether or not your spending habits or income is in line with your expectations.

About The Author
Jeff Lakie is the founder of http://www.my-payday-advance.info and http://www.my-fast-cash.info websites providing information on Payday loans.




A great advantage of payday loans is that the whole process is discreet. Only you and the online site advancing the loan will know that you have availed a loan. The information will not be reported to credit reporting agencies or anyone else.

A payday loan or cash advance is a quick and convenient way to bridge your cash needs between pay days. Funds requested are electronically deposited and withdrawn from your checking account on mutually agreed upon dates. This is a short-term cash management tool and not intended for financial problems that consumer credit counseling would resolve.

Our loans range from $100 to $500. The amount of your loan will be determined by verifying and analyzing the information in your application.

Upon approval, your checking account will be electronically credited the next business day for all applications completed by 5:00 PM PST. Posting funds to your account depends solely on the efficiency of your bank or credit union, but typically happens on the next banking day.

Payday loan is a smart financial solution. Need cash right now, but payday is few weeks away? Bills? Unexpected expenses? Do you have other alternatives you could explore first? We can help. Well, what are the benefits of payday loans? Let’s see:

  • You won’t have to go through the hassle of a credit check.
  • You can apply in person, on the phone or on the Internet.
  • The process takes less than 20 minutes.
  • The loan proceeds are automatically deposited into your bank account within 24 hours.
  • It’s affordable, at least immediately – you don’t have any up-front costs.
  • It’s discreet – nobody else is involved.
  • It’s secure – your financial information isn’t shared with others.

Ok, that makes sense. Those are enough reasons to get rid of the stress of being short of cash. It’s a “quick fix”. You can cover the shortage, and get on with your life. And you’ll be able to pay it back next payday, right? So you’ve solved your problem.

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